Why do dispensaries need your phone number?

Why do dispensaries need your phone number?

Dispensaries typically request phone numbers for several strategic reasons:

  1. Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
  • Facilitate loyalty programs
  • Send promotional deals and text alerts
  • Create personalized marketing experiences
  1. Regulatory Compliance
  • Some states require contact information for potential product recalls
  • Enable quick communication about specific product issues
  • Maintain accurate customer databases
  1. Operational Efficiency
  • Build customer profiles
  • Track purchase history
  • Enhance overall customer service experience

However, it’s important to note that:

  • Customers are NOT legally required to provide a phone number
  • Dispensaries cannot refuse service solely for not providing contact information
  • Many dispensaries will still complete the sale without a phone number

Privacy Considerations:

  • Customers can decline to share their phone number
  • Dispensaries should be transparent about how they will use the information
  • Some customers prefer to protect their personal data


While dispensaries want your phone number for marketing and operational purposes, you ultimately have the choice whether to provide it or not.

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Why do dispensaries need your phone number?
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